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2010 Enhancement on the Quality and Management for Promoting the Environmental Protection Technology

The overall goal of this plan is to integrate a vast array of environmental protection technology resources and to boost the quality of proactive environment technology as well as policy implementation in the future. The outcomes of the project have been provided with an overview of 5 categories from various studies as follows: (1) Reviewing domestic and foreign development in environmental protection technology, and proposing suggestion for future planning scheme. Despite the fact that Taiwan annual R&D budget increased year by year with a small margin, EU run on a much larger margin relatively. Referring to the US annual budget appropriated for EPA, technology accounted for 8%, which could be considered as a likely combination for future planning scheme between environment technology R&D projects and policy implementation. In preliminary assessment of domestic technology development, a trio of strategic mainstays featured in the policy, which dealt with climate change & sustainability, resources conservation & management and environment investigation & monitoring as well. In terms of environment technology development, the schemed practice in the short-term requires the listed EPA projects drawn up annual budget of NTD70 million to be continuously appropriated by rolling forecast, while the course of action in mid-term needs to be divided up into 2 programs. Program I takes bottom-up model and regulates the registered technology projects from all the Departments and Ministries, drawn up annual budget of NTD1600 million in total, to be continuously appropriated by rolling forecast. Program II, on the contrary, adopts top-down pathway and controls the listed technology projects by the 7 keynotes of “Sustainability Combined with Technology Capacity” to be appropriated directly by Administration Yuan. (2) Promoting the quality and management for the projects of environment technology development and policy implementation We have completed revision of “Management Essential for Research Projects Commissioned by EPA” and “Better Format and Layout for Report Preparation on Commissioned Projects” so as to improve the quality and management of the projects. (3) Assisting EPA to update and maintain database We help compile, maintain and update “EPA Database for Technology Projects & Air Pollution Funds 2010” and the website & homepage of “Environmental Technology Innovation R&D Project” as well. (4) Providing management and administrative support to the “Environmental Protection Technology Innovation, R&D Plan”. We have assisted to hold 6 seminars of Technology Incubator Program, and analyses the outcomes in the prior years in terms of patent, technology transfer, technology on mass production and paper published. (5) Providing administrative support to National Science Council We assisted to bridge between EPA and NSC over the registration process in GRB network of all the projects.
Planning Management;Database of Technology Projects;Environmental Protection Technology Review Meeting